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NEO NIRVANA | Multimedia Exhibition 

Visual Artist _ Tung "Monkey" 

Curator _ Minh Lien 

Producer _ Bebe

Account _ Cherry Khanh Vu 

Sound _ Dustin Ngo 

Fashion Design _ Thu Madelin ( MoniQ) 

Performer _ Kim & Thao 

Graphic Design _ Chuoi 

AR content ( CAM room ) _ Fomalia 

AR content ( NHAP room ) _ Polaris Arthub 

3D social content _ Polaris Arthub 

Technical lead _ Van Nguyen

Event Organized by Patron and The Visual 084 

Sponsor _ De La SóL - SUNLIFE Flagship 

F&B Sponsor _ Johnnie Walker 

Mobile Device Sponsor _ Samsung 

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